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President's Message

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you well during what are undoubtedly challenging times for all of us in campus public safety. As leaders within our respective institutions, we are navigating through multiple crises that demand our steadfast attention and collective resolve.

Firstly, as public safety chiefs and directors, our foremost responsibility is to create a secure and inclusive learning environment for everyone on our campus. The Israel-Palestine conflict has evoked strong emotions and posed unique safety challenges, making it crucial for us to prioritize the safety and well-being of all community members. It is essential that we handle these complex situations with sensitivity, empathy, and a commitment to maintaining open channels of communication.

Secondly, the challenges associated with hiring and retaining qualified personnel are not unfamiliar to any of us. The current labor market dynamics have made recruitment increasingly competitive, requiring us to explore innovative strategies to attract talented individuals to our teams. I encourage you to share your successful recruitment practices and strategies within our affinity group so that we may learn from one another’s experiences and adapt accordingly.

Thirdly, the financial constraints imposed by budget restrictions present another layer of complexity to our operations. While we must remain diligent in managing resources effectively, we must also advocate for the necessary funding and resources to adequately support our public safety initiatives. Collaborating with university leadership and stakeholders to articulate the critical role of public safety on campus is essential in garnering the support needed to sustain our efforts.

In times of uncertainty and change, our ability to collaborate, innovate, and support one another becomes even more crucial. I am inspired by the dedication and professionalism each of you demonstrates daily in service to our communities. Together, we will navigate these challenges and emerge stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to fulfill our mission of safeguarding the well-being of everyone on our campuses.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to one another or to me if there is anything you need assistance with or wish to discuss further. Your expertise and leadership are invaluable to our collective success, and I am honored to serve alongside each of you.

With gratitude and solidarity,
Andrew Eaton, President,
New Jersey College and University Public Safety Association

Andrew Eaton, President


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